Changes at Happy Lotus
Over the past year, I have been observing very closely what is happening globally, in our society, in my students, and in my family. At the same time, I have been highly attuned to what is going on inside me.
A gut feeling started small and has since become super strong. As you know, gut feelings often lead to major decisions. They may not be easy, but in my experience they have always been right.
❤️ The continued uncertainty and chaos in the world, the hell-bent pace and pressures of modern life have made our society even unhealthier than it had been before. The economy and education systems keep on driving us into deeper illness. Depression, trauma, burnout, chronic back pain, diabetes, cancer – the numbers are rising among children and adults. Not enough is happening to change this.
❤️ My husband will be working even more away from home, which means I am alone with Mika during the week. I cannot continue to teach at the times that I have been teaching. I need to find a way to teach more during the day and still have an impact.
❤️ I am experiencing an eye-opening process through my studies on yoga philosophy, early childhood development, inner belief systems and trauma. This impacts how and what I want to to teach. Naturally, it also influences the way I want to raise my child.
These observations have led me to the following decisions:
💚 As someone suffering from mental illness, and witnessing the increase in mental and physical health issues, it is my deep wish to do more therapeutic and prevention work with children and adults – on and off the yoga mat.
💚 In my regular classes, I want to set a stark contrast to the hectic, chaotic, super-fast-paced daily life we live. I feel I can do that best by offering the slower-paced, awareness-focused classes on Tuesday evenings, Thursday evenings and Sunday evenings.
It also means that I am…
💛 Offering more yoga therapy in private sessions and classes such as the already existing a: Yoga and cancer (Tuesdays) and b: Yoga and Self-Regulation (Thursdays).
💛 Supporting more efforts to prevent mental illness and cancer and to help those who are already suffering from it (working with foundations and networks).
💛 Offering more workshops and seminars on Mental Health in companies as well as business yoga.
💛 Offering more traumasensitive yoga and traumasensitive counseling (in private sessions and in cooperation with clinics and therapists).
💛 Offering more yoga and traumasensitive yoga for children (at schools, hospitals, centers).
Most of these things I already do. But I feel I can serve better by concentrating my efforts even more in these areas.
I appreciate your support: Please connect me with therapists, doctors, etc that you think my be open to a holistic approach. And please send friends and family who might benefit from yoga therapy my way.
I really hope you understand where I am coming from and what I want to do.
You have been a wonderful part of my life and have followed my experiences with kindhearted interest. I hope I can continue to walk your path with you.
Namaste, Anna
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