Yoga gives you back control
Namaste, dear Yogis and Yoginis! It’s finally Spring, the sun is coming out more often and is staying up longer, as we are finally leaving winter behind us.
I think all of us have already enjoyed the first feelings of spring this year, the sunshine on our skin, the warmer air, the first flowers. Isn’t it amazing how quickly our mood brightens in those moments?
“Yes, but…” I hear you say, and you are right. The political situation is dampening our spirits, mine included.
Without diminishing the seriousness of the current threat, let me say: There is always something. The last two years it was Corona. Now it is the Ukraine. I promise you, something will be next. It doesn’t even have to be another global crisis, it can be something much smaller. But there is always something.
What I am trying to say is the following:
Many things are beyond our control. But we can choose our reaction to those things.
Our instant reaction to something bad happening might be fear, sadness, frustration. But that are (learned) choices!
We can be active in our support. We can accept that things happen in this world. We can trust that there is something to be learned from this.
These are also choices. They are not as easy as the other ones. But we can practice. Yoga and meditation are two important tools already available to us. Let’s use them!
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