Trauma-sensitive Yoga for Adults and Children

“Feel into your body, trust your feelings” is often heard as well-intentioned advice.

But what if that just doesn’t work? If you have forgotten how to understand your body over the course of your life? Because it’s always about the needs of others – be it at work or in the family? Or because you were never able to establish a connection to your body due to early childhood imprints, maybe even reject your body or feel it is an unsafe place?


Trauma-sensitive yoga is not about performing a posture as perfectly as possible.

Trauma-sensitive yoga is an invitation to you to experience an attitude very individually – to research, to try out what is good for YOU. Saying no when something doesn’t feel good, no matter what the level. This is how you get to know your body better and how to communicate with it.

The exercises are gentle and easy to do – even if you don’t have any yoga experience. And we take our time. Time to stay in the postures, observe what is there. You also have the option at any time not to perform an exercise, to adapt it or to end it earlier.

If you suspect that you have a deep imprint or unprocessed trauma consequences, I would be happy to accompany you as a trauma-sensitive coach. I’m here for you!

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